Traditionally slow-cooked in Japanese hot spring ("onsen"), an onsen egg is renowned for its unique texture and cooking technique.
Because of the different solidifying temperatures of the egg yolk (~70°C) and egg white (~80°C), by regulating precisely the water temprature, we can get the delicate silky white and the custard-like egg yolk texture.
The natural Japanese hot spring is around 63°C, tranditionally, in order to have a perfect onsen egg, one has to wait 1 - 1.5 hours!
Thanks to modern technology, we could set our onsen at 75°C, and reduce the cooking time to 13 minutes. How lucky!
If you like onsen egg, share the info about our stand with your friends, and come cook some eggs together :D
Let us know if you have any questions or feedback! As we are quite busy with the stands, we will try to answer you within 48h.